First out of the Starting Blocks for 2022

In my final blog of 2021, I am sharing some of the common themes that leaders have been reflecting on and discussing in order to set themselves and their organisations up in the best way possible for 2022. Much of this reinforces what publications such as Harvard Business Review have been highlighting. Many leave this to the very end of the year. If you want to be first out of the starting blocks for 2022, you need to be doing this now. And you need to start with what you have learnt in 2021.

2021 Reflections

  • You have had to demonstrate even more stamina than you thought possible. And you have probably just about managed. But your reserves will be severely depleted. Find some time to have a proper rest at the end of the year.

  • Take the time to consider what has helped you to get through the year, and what has hindered. Repeat/increase, and remove, accordingly.

  • How have you spent your time? How much have you been in control? To what extent have you had to be reactive? Have you been clear on what requires you. On what it is that only you can do? What will great look like in this respect for you in 2022?

  • This year will have demonstrated possibly more than ever who your real bankers are. The people in your organisation who, if they came to you to resign, you would fight extremely hard to keep. Value them, appreciate them, involve them, develop them.

  • What improvements have you seen in your organisation over the last year? For many, the focus and pressure of the Pandemic has thrown up some real positives: clarity of purpose; clarity of approach; more effective and efficient cross-team working; awareness of and alignment behind the need for change; a more human approach to work. What will great look like, for your organisation, in 2022?

2022 Headlines

  • Firefighting is no longer the priority. It’s still necessary, the problems from the pandemic won’t have gone away, but this aspect needs to sit within a coherent, forward-looking strategy.

  • There is much better awareness of the need to build in agility to your plans. Be clear on what you are trying to achieve, and flexible about how you may need to go about that.

  • The principles you learnt during the pandemic will continue to apply, including:

    • playing the ball at your feet whilst continuing to scan the horizon;

    • controlling the controllables; and

    • the importance of bounded optimism - faith and confidence that you will prevail, combined with a realistic approach to what is ahead of you.

  • A sense of belonging drives performance. This continues to be a challenge amidst the new ways of working. Focus on reinforcing your organisation’s sense of identity. And do all you can to foster human connection.

  • You are likely to be starting from a lower base of reserves: prioritise your own wellbeing. If you are not fit, strong and ready, you will not be doing the best by your organisation.

For more on this or any aspect of leadership, with a healthy dose of mindset, sport, and I hope usefulness thrown in, do feel free to browse through all the articles in the Huddle, or get in touch with me directly on